Monday, 16 June 2014

Bush Dance a Popular form of Traditional Dance

Dancing, singing and music are essential of human being. It is a party spirit too as long as we can remember. There’s something magical when a number of people dance together. Bush Dancing is for the old and traditional form of dances practiced by young, olds, kids, grandparents, parents, friends and families all joining together in one group. Mastering the art of bush dance is very. Its moves are very simple. 

This old and traditional form of dance is very popular in Australia. Many cultures and community dance a foundation of their celebrations. They have their different schools. The aim of this dance is to restore the Bush Dance to Australian communities. The dances are based on the traditional and old folk dances of the UK, central Europe and Ireland. This dance is accompanied by Bush music. 

This dance is antique and traditional form of dance is very popular in Australia. Many cultures and community dance a foundation of their celebrations. They have their different schools. The aim of this dance is to restore the Bush Dance to Australian communities. The dances are based on the traditional and old folk dances of the UK, central Europe and Ireland. This dance is accompanied by Bush music. 


In addition to vocals and instruments bush bands may incorporate fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin, accordion, lagerphone, concertina, double bass, harmonica, bush bass, and tin whistle.

Bush bands play specific types of music for bush dances. In it the dance program is normally based on.
The Bush Dance is a very good organic experience. It is important to connect with family members and kids.
There is hardly an Australian adult under 40 who has not learned the art of it. It is based on the principal, ‘The Heel and Toe Polka’. When audiences inquire about many ‘hits’, they can easily get to know from the internet. 

Since the time of the ancient people have their urge to keep this dance for their next generation. They all practice this dance. Now it is practiced in wedding ceremonies. Wedding bush dance in Melbourne is a popular form to entertain the guest at the time of celebration. 

It is mainly found in colony people. Bush dances for wedding in Melbourne is a popular method and a part of various event celebrations like wedding ceremony, birthday party and social gatherings.